Saturday, January 16, 2010

Do you agree with this definition of religion: control of the poor, uneducated, sickly masses with promises...?

of wealth, health, and ever lasting life in paradise? isn't this what all religion is about? just a way to blind people to the inequality among them?Do you agree with this definition of religion: control of the poor, uneducated, sickly masses with promises...?

STRDo you agree with this definition of religion: control of the poor, uneducated, sickly masses with promises...?
Actually, that is why Mohamed created Islam. To control the people and get them to follow him. There is a true faith though which is to educate, help the poor, heal the sick, and spread the truth of God. With God there is equality and the truth opens blind eyes. As far as what wealth is, that is highly over rated and deceptive. You see acquiring wealth is a religion to the secular world. It brings power. And power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. How does it corrupt? It causes you to control the poor, uneducated, sickly masses with promises of wealth, health, and life in paradise. Just a way to blind people to the inequality amoung them.
Some here seem to be able to see a difference between religion and faith. Religion is a regimented system of rituals, traditions, and practices that adherents feel they must do in order to be considered members of that particular religion. Looking at it from this perspective, then I think you are accurately stating the situation. But with faith in God we are dealing with individuals who have an intimate, personal relationship with God that does not depend upon ritual, tradition, nor any practice. Perhaps the only practices that could be identified with faith in God would be that of prayer and worship. Other than that, there would only remain studying the Bible to learn how to live one's life properly. Faith leads the individual to help the less fortunate people however they might be able.
Some times, in certain cases.

Thankfully many religions (like Neo-Pagan ones) are for this life, for those that can seize life and helping those that can't.

And thank the Gods, I'm neither poor nor uneducated nor sickly nor swayed away by vague promises. I live for this life. If there are others awaiting me after death they are welcomed. If not then who cares?
Not Christianity.

Christianity is about Salvation and Jesus is The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

Anyone can believe in Him and be saved (poor or rich) or not (poor or rich).

Jesus told Nicodemus, ';You must be born again to see the Kingdom of God'; and anyone that rejects that will be lost, rich or poor, smart or not so smart.
While I have NO idea what Fireballs response of ';No...STR'; means, I would say that you the British would call on. I would however add that it's not necessarily a way to blind people, but rather to make them content with their lot in life so that they don't try to change it.
No. I'm sorry you've been hurt by religion. I am not poor, I have a Master's degree that I earned with a 4.0, I am not sickly. I've researched. I've read and I've decided to believe. I don't need to come up with excuses not to.
No on all counts.

Of course, you may have a different definition of relgion. My religion is nothing like this, and I bet most Christians will say the same. In all honesty, I haven't seen a sickly mass for ages. Give it up.
Unfortunately it's become more than that now. It may have been for that reason thousands of years ago, but now it's not uncommon to see wealthy and well-educated people believe. It's gotten a little out of hand.
No ! I am sorry that you might believe that. Jesus said it is easier to put a camel through the eye of a needle, than it is for a rich man to see heaven.
That sounds like what some Abrahamic faith followers are about. Not religion though.
Heh, kind of like the Obama Administration.

Ba-dum tss
No that's called Congress and their empty political promises that they brake.
Yes. With most religions, life is just a passing stage to heaven - wasted in church that is.
No, because I am not either of those things but you wouldn't know cause your not me.
My religion doesn't fit that bill.
i do believe it is a method of control

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