Saturday, January 16, 2010

What does 'Democrats won control of the House' mean? definition-wise?

I'm confused, because I always thought that everything was split equally between the parties in terms of like, positions in the House and Senate and stuff. And now since these elections, the Democrats have 'won control of the House'. what does this mean??What does 'Democrats won control of the House' mean? definition-wise?
With enough votes, any party can set the agenda of the House, can overturn Presidental vetos, change committee membership and elect a Speaker, this gives them controlWhat does 'Democrats won control of the House' mean? definition-wise?
Your welcome

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ever hear of

We The People

now we can make better vote for the social things in our daily lives.

no more One World Worries

if we didn't have the freedom to make up our mine we would be no better then people that's in office now.

like bush and all his staff.
The mice that actually run things, allow us to believe that.

Democrats are in a Majority in the House of Congress now, that is what it means.But, if they dont work together and stop all this Repuclican/Democrat junk and start behaveing as Citizens that they are, might get something more than a Pay Raise for themselves and a Tax Cut for millionaires.
It means that there are more Democrats than Republicans in the House now.

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