Saturday, January 16, 2010

What's your definition of a *control freak*?

regarding marriage and relatioshipsWhat's your definition of a *control freak*?
Excerpts from: WHY DOES HE DO THAT?



15 Signs That Point to a Potential Abuser

1. A push for quick involvement: comes on very strong, claiming, “I’ve never felt loved like this by anyone.” An abuser pressures the woman for an exclusive commitment almost immediately.

2. Jealousy: excessively possessive, calls you constantly or visits unexpectedly, prevents you from going to work because “you might meet someone”, checks the mileage on your car.

3. Controlling: interrogates you intensely (especially if you’re late), about whom you talked to, and where you were, keeps all the money, insists that you ask permission to go anywhere or do anything.

4. Unrealistic expectations: expects you to be the perfect woman and meet his every need.

5. Isolation: tries to cut you off from family and friends; accuses people who are your supporters of “causing trouble”; the abuser may take away your phone or car and try to prevent you from keeping a job.

6. Blames others for problems and mistakes; the boss, you – it’s always someone else’s fault if anything goes wrong.

7. Makes everyone else responsible for his feelings: the abusers says, “You make me angry”, instead of “I am angry” or “You hurt me by not listening or doing what I tell you to do”, also, “Why do you make me hit you?”

8. Hypersensitivity: he is easily insulted, claims that his feelings are hurt when he is really just mad.

9. Cruelty to children and animals; kills or punishes animals brutally. May expect children to do things far beyond their ability. For example: may whip a 2 year old for wetting a diaper, or may tease a child till they cry. 65% of abusers who beat their partner will also abuse children.

10. “Playful” use of force during sex; he enjoys throwing you down or holding you against your will during sex; says he finds the idea of rape exciting.

11. Verbal abuse: constantly picking at you, or says cruel, hateful things, degrades, curses, calls you ugly things, then says you’re too sensitive. May include sleep deprivation – waking you to curse at you, won’t let you sleep until “this is taken care of”.

12. Rigid sex rules: expects you to serve, obey and remain at home.

13. Sudden mood swings – switches from sweetly loving to explosively violent in a matter of minutes.

14. Admits to hitting women in the past, but says they made him do it, or it wasn’t his fault. Uses threats of violence. “I’ll break your neck!” “I’ll kill you if…” then says “Everybody talks that way”, or “I didn’t really mean it.” If he has come this far it’s time to get help to get out.

The Abuser’s Most Common Control Tactics:

• Sarcasm

• Ridicule

• Distorting what you say

• Distorting what happened before

• Sulking

• Accusing you of doing what HE does, or thinking the way HE thinks

• Interrupting

• Not listening, refusing to respond

• Laughing out loud at your opinion

• Turning your complaints against you

• Changing the subject to HIS complaints

• Criticism that is harsh, undeserved or frequent

• Provoking guilt

• Making HIMSELF the victim

• Smirking, rolling his eyes, making faces

• Yelling, shouting

• Swearing

• Name-calling, insulting you or putting you down

• Walking out

• Towering over you

• Walking toward you with his fist raised

• Blocking a doorway

• Getting too close when he is angry

• Threatening to leave you

• Threatening to harm youWhat's your definition of a *control freak*?
In psychology-related slang, control freak is a derogatory term for a person who attempts to dictate how everything around them is done. It can also refer to someone with a limited number of things that they want done a specific way

In some cases, the control freak sees their constant intervention as beneficial or even necessary; this can be caused by feelings of superiority, believing that others are incapable of handling matters properly, or the fear that things will go wrong if they don't attend to every detail. In other cases, they may simply enjoy the feeling of power it gives them so much that they automatically try to gain. control of everything around them.
A control freak is someone who has to know where you are and who you are with all the time, someone who has to be in charge of making decisions about most aspects of your life. As the title suggests, a control freak has to be in control of each and every situation and has an inherent desire for power. He/she has to be in charge or all hell breaks loose.
control freak.... to me, its someone that feels the need to monitor you, someone that thinks they need to keep a tab on you and watch your behavior and then evaluate and analyze everything you do. From phone calls, to internet usage, to conversations... just someone that feels the need to watch over everything you do and analyze/evaluate it. Then of course, you begin to tippy toe around them out of fear you will not meet their expectations....
A control freak is a person who has to control every aspect of your life and I mean every aspect no matter what it is. I was married to a man like that and he made me miserable. He would even scream at me if I did not say to him what he wanted me to say. He would also threaten suicide if he could not take control.
now let's be real: EVERYONE likes to control their environment and when we don't, we feel weak. so the line is at when you want to control another person! say, your spouse is on the phone and you want him/her to get off (unless he/she is been on the phone for 2 hrs or something)

you got the point.. a control freak is someone who would try to control my actions for his own benefit!! and frankly that doesn't fly well w/me!!
a control freak will start off real nice. They will make you think you are apart of the decision making. Then after a while they will use guilt,Then they start getting loud,then they force,and enforce. They are paranoid and very insecure. If you aer weak they will take over your life and crush you down physically and mentally.Belittle is 2 words be little and if you don't stay little they will beat you down.
This, like all man-made labels, is a matter of opinion.

What should matter to you, is YOUR definition.

If your spouse meets YOUR definition, get out.
Someone who wants to know where you are at all times. Tells you what you can and cannot do, where you can and cannot go. Tries to make your decisions for you and doesn't want you to think for yourself.
taking control of everything and wanting everything done their way
A freak who is in control of the situation.
A republican
Being controlling. I mean it doesn't get much more self explanatory.
a wife who disobeys orders! bothers us good men

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